I have this theory that as we age, we are influenced to hate the color pink. It happens almost overnight. Our childhood innocence robbed from us in one fell swoop.

my relationship with the color pink
Growing up, my bedroom was filled with Barbie dolls, princesses, and stuffed animals. My walls were two tones of pink with a lavender floral stencil between the two shades, my sheets were floral, and my closet was filled with skirts and dresses in pretty pastels.
I'm not sure when it happened but slowly I began to resent the color I grew up loving. Pink became synonymous with "girly, weak, childish, and embarrassing". I donated my Barbie dolls save for a few collector editions, shoved my dresses to the back of my closet, painted my walls grey, and opted for plain white sheets.
From middle school to high school, I absolutely refused to wear dresses unless it was for a special occasion. Looking back now, my go to outfit was more masculine than anything complete with: jeans, a tee shirt, and (god help me) a flannel.
I took part in sports that only furthered my hatred for pink. As martial arts taught me that being too girly was a signal of submissiveness and could potentially pin you as an easy target.
The soft pastels, lace, and florals transitioned into white, black, blue, and grey stripes, plaid, and plain.
All sense of feminine energy was buried. But why? Who gave a color such power?
Now in my mid twenties: my closet is half full of dresses, my sheets are floral, my collection of cute stuffies grows, and I never leave the house without a hint of blush and soft pink lip balm.
So what changed?
my theory on the color pink
I believe that there is a link between the colors we gravitate towards and our energetic balances or imbalances. As we know, colors exist within a certain frequency and each emotion also emits a specific frequency.
I believe, when we avoid certain colors it is because we are operating from a place of lack. In this place of lack, we feel a sense of guilt or shame when tapping into our feminine energy and for that reason, we avoid the color pink.
However, when we embrace our feminine side perhaps through expressing our creativity and being more compassionate, we can heal those parts of us.
We will then find ourselves gravitate towards pink as it seems to signal healing to our negative feelings and thought processes.
Think back to when you were younger and reached for your favorite stuffed animal or put on your favorite dress. How did that make you feel? I imagine there is a sense of comfort and joy that comes from those memories. I believe that is because we were not yet introduced to the notion that being feminine equates to being weak. That pink equates to being feminine.
Now, I can see just how absurd that notion is.
The Divine Feminine Energy is by far the most powerful source we can draw from as it helps to balance out the masculine cycles we are forced to operate from. The daily grind of a 9-5 job, can be balanced with a creative outlet. The need to be assertive in order to be seen, can be balanced with the freedom of expression through dance and music. To quote Newton, "every action has an equal and opposite reaction". To bury our feminine energy is to do a disservice to our inner balance, forcing us to operate from a place of lack.
balancing your feminine in relationships
Now here's another theory, being with the right partner can help you find balance.
I believe that being with a man who is fully settled into his masculine energy and not threatened by embracing his feminine side can help you step into your own divine feminine. Think about a time where you went on a date with someone and you had to lead the conversation, plan the entire day, and maybe even propose the idea of going out altogether. What energetic place were you operating from? That's right, your masculine side. By being the initiator, the conversation starter, and the planner you were forced to take charge and step into the drivers seat. While this isn't always a bad thing, it did not allow you to slow down, appreciate the night out, and be carefree.
Now think of a time where someone planned a day for you, asked meaningful questions, and texted you saying they had a great time. How did that make you feel? Chances are, you didn't even feel the need to look both ways before crossing the street because you knew that you could slow down and take in the beautiful view while they surveyed your surroundings. This allowed you to step into your feminine energy and fully enjoy the evening.
This also applies for men. Think of the man that always needs to have the final word, talks about himself most of the time, and doesn't make you feel heard. This person is operating from a place that does not allow him to be empathetic or understanding of how his behavior is impacting you. With an imbalance between masculine and feminine energy he will feel the pressures of society more greatly and feel a need to commit to the stereotypical standard of what it means to "be a man".
I believe that by being with the right person, you can find balance through each other. In doing so, you enable each other to embrace the sides that have been buried. A man that is balanced, can allow a woman to tap into her feminine and a woman that is more feminine, can allow a man to feel safe in his own creative and carefree state.
how to reclaim your divine feminine energy
practice gratitude: take a few moments each day to find three things to be grateful for. you can join our free gratitude club here (use code lfstxn to join).
practice meditation: utilizing the frequencies mentioned previously to meditate can help calm your nervous system and allow you to balance out your energy. take a moment of pause and breathe deeply.
move your body: dance, practice yoga, find free flowing movements that feel right for you.
be creative: find an outlet that allows you to tap into your creative side of expression.
find compassion: take a moment of pause before you react towards others and be more compassionate towards yourself as well.
go outside: slow down, spend more time with nature, and take in the fresh air.
be playful: embrace your inner child and say yes to doing more things that bring you joy.
be vulnerable: open yourself up to life and all it has to offer, do not be afraid to be more open and vulnerable with loved ones. expressing your emotions clearly is key to unlocking your divine feminine.
do what makes you feel good: dress for yourself and in a way that makes you feel confident and balanced. if this means wearing pink, then so be it.
soften your hold on life: understanding that things can not always go as planned will help you release your hold on the need to take control of every aspect of your surroundings. soften and flow with the changes and take the time to admire your surroundings, notice the little details, and take stock of how far you have come.
further reading
Here are a few articles I read on the topic:
nurturing your divine feminine - pubmed
not like other girls, internalized sexism & behavioral outcomes - wa university
divine energies - thomas at marymount university
the healing power of the feminine - deepak chopra
why women need to reclaim their relationship with pink
how masculine & feminine energies impact relationships
8 feminine principles to cultivate
I am WEAK over the fact that pubmed has an article on the divine feminine. Let’s go 💃